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2018 год, 26 Января, 19:17

Hi, My friend and I would like two girls to show us a good time at a sauna or bath house in Almaty. We can rent the sauna and would like a massage and someone to show us the proper way to relax in Almaty Kazakhstan. We would prefer at least one girl that speaks English so that we can communicate. We are both in our 30's. If all goes well then we may want to meet up again. PM me if your interested. Thanks for your time.


2018 год, 18 Января, 16:36

Go Crazy -- Thanks so much!! Im really looking forward to the trip. I've been traveling around the world when I can and I love going off the beaten path. As an American I am accustomed to being over charged and for the most part I'm ok with it. In my opinion everyone needs to make a little money.

I'll check out the links you sent -- Thanks for your follow up!

2018 год, 17 Января, 16:43

Here are the foreigners!!! Everyone bash the foreigner lol

Whats wrong with the foreigners?

2018 год, 17 Января, 15:06

GoCrazy -- Coming from Maryland in America. I'll be meeting some friends out there who live in Shanghai. We plan on doing some skiing, eating some great food, drinking some good liquor and of course getting our dicks wet. Ill check out Soho -- although we generally get gritty and get away from the ex-pats for a few nights. The sauna/ bath houses out there look pretty cool. Teremok? I think we would really like to find a few hookers to join us in the banya and pamper. But I think a chick that's english speaking would be our best bet -- Google Translate is good but not that good. Any other suggestions?

2018 год, 16 Января, 19:41

Oh, I'm not afraid. I will be trolled on the street the same way your trolling me here. Troll :)

2018 год, 16 Января, 17:12

Chinese New Year is on Feb 16th this year.

Richards, Appreciate your response. Ill probably start another thread and just ask for some Fairies to respond directly. Google Translate does a good job of translating Russian to English but as you probably know it is not perfect. I think despise was probably a better choice of words as my kind is hated around the globe. If there are any girls reading this and you are interested in showing a few foreigners a good time with sauna and bath please email me or PM.


Midlifecrisis667@gmail.com :)

2018 год, 16 Января, 14:18

I do not understand your fear of me. I am a foreigner looking for a good time. I want to fuck the same prostitutes as you. And I'm willing to pay. It would be great if english was an option to search and then I wouldn't waste the forums time.

Seriously though any sauna's or bath houses offer a choice of girl or do I have to bring my own?

2018 год, 16 Января, 00:02

Any suggestions on where to go?

2018 год, 16 Января, 00:02

Thanks Richards, I figure incall would be my best bet but I was thinking there may be a brothel that would be a little more fun. I'll consider the private message. Thanks!

2018 год, 15 Января, 21:57

Is there a place in Almaty that me and a friend can go for an afternoon of relaxation with female companionship. Maybe a sauna, steam bath, Jacuzzi, spa day where a beautiful woman will tend to our every need physically and sexually? Of course we would need English speaking girls.

Thanks, Will

2018 год, 16 Января, 18:26

It would be nice to have the profiles searchable by language. If I am visiting from another land I want to find a girl that speaks my language.

But other than that the site is good. Thanks,
